We enjoyed the Miracle Hand's Concert thoroughly !
Sunesh and Thanya ( Suhanya's Mum & Dad)

“We are very happy to tell you that we enjoyed the Miracle Hand's “Little Miracles Live in Concert 2” thoroughly, including suhanya's grandparents.When myself and thanya were small, we both were very much frightened to go up on stage and perform in front of a huge crowd. But it was surprising to see our daughter doing it much better than any of us expected. She has improved quite a lot compared to the last year's concert. All credit to Gillian and the teachers at miracle hands”. Thank you once again for all the effort and sacrifice you guys make.
‎Champika and I love your school !
Namini Champika Wijedasa (Anshula's mum and dad)

“‎Champika and I love your school. We are so glad Anshula is in it and we can't wait to admit her nanga there next year. We are impressed by the range of skills you instill in her. It is not just study-oriented, it's great fun. And that's what we have always wanted for Anshu. She's motivated, interested, happy, relaxed and she feels loved.Also, we appreciate how you go all out on special ...occasions like National Day, Avurudu, Children's Day and so on. We love when you dump them in the pool on hot days.” Summer school was especially cool. You don't spare expenses to make the school look good and that's important because it really cheers the children up. They get good doses of culture, too. And we know that you do a lot of practical experiments through which they can learn facts. I could go on and on.. but this is a summary”
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